Hurt Me Plenty: The Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 2003–2010 Skip to content



Hurt Me Plenty: The Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 2003–2010

Regular price £34.99 GBP
Regular price Sale price £34.99 GBP

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Available from: 1st May 2025


Bitmap Books proudly presents Hurt Me Plenty: The Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 2003–2010. The follow-up to I’m Too Young To Die, which covered First-Person Shooters between 1992 and 2002, Hurt Me Plenty celebrates almost 220 PC, console, handheld and arcade games (see a full list of the games included below).

Following the genre’s meteoric rise over the previous decade, by 2003 First-Person Shooters had begun to diverge into big-budget blockbusters like Call of Duty, DOOM 3 and Half-Life 2, versus quirky surprises such as FireStarter, Cryostasis and Moon. Featuring in-depth research and hundreds of screenshots, Hurt Me Plenty covers both classic and obscure titles, alongside trends like the proliferation of multiplayer-only shooters, what digital distribution meant to games, the shift from WW2 to modern warfare, and a look at First-Person Shooters that were never released.

With a foreword by Harvey Smith (Deus Ex, Dishonored), Hurt Me Plenty includes in-depth interviews with the creative minds behind Call of Duty, Portal, Counter-Strike, BioShock, and many more.

Discover the stories behind hits like Crysis, Borderlands, Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, and Halo 2, forgotten games like You Are Empty, Daemon Summoner, and Breakdown, failed experiments like Kwari or Shattered Horizon, and hidden gems like The Ball, TECNO: The Base, and Zeno Clash.

Priced at £34.99, Hurt Me Plenty is a 464-page hardback printed to the highest standards using special Pantone ink and high-quality paper, with an illustrated cover by video game artist Ian Pestridge.

Guaranteed to remind you of games you loved alongside titles you may have missed, Hurt Me Plenty is for retro gamers, anyone interested in the history of one of the biggest gaming genres, and First-Person Shooter fans who’ve stalked through jungles, dropped from orbit, or fought through hell.

It’s time to lock and load!

Includes interviews with:
Eric Biessman (Call of Duty and Quake 4), Garry Newman (Garry’s Mod), Jeep Barnett (Portal, Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress 2), Ken Levine (BioShock), Minh Le (Counter-Strike), Stephen Kick and Samuel Villarreal (Nightdive Studios), Robin Walker (Team Fortress), Tim Willits (DOOM 3), and Zied Rieke (Medal of Honor, Call of Duty).


Book Specifications

464 pages. 210mm × 297mm. Edge-to-edge high quality lithographic print. Special Pantone ink used throughout. Hardback. Sewn binding for enduring quality and the ability to lay flat for ideal double-page image viewing. Spot varnished cover and dust jacket highlighting key elements against a matte background. Bookmark ribbon. Shrink-wrapped. Free PDF for viewing on the go. Volumetric weight: 3kg.

Games featured

.Kkrieger: Chapter 1 / 007: Quantum of Solace / Alcatraz / Aliens vs. Predator / Alone in the Dark / Alpha Prime / Area-51 / Arena Champion: Erotic Game / Arma II / Ashen / Ball, The / Battlefield 2 / Battlefield: Bad Company / Battlefield: Vietnam Bet on Soldier: Blood Sport / BioShock 2 / Black / Blacklight: Tango Down / BlackSite: Area 51 / Bloody Good Time / Boiling Point: Road to Hell / Borderlands / Breakdown / Breed / Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 / Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts / Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth / Call of Duty Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare / Call of Juarez / Celestial Impact / CellFactor: Revolution / Chaser / Chex Quest 3 / Chronicles of a Vampire Hunter / Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay / Clive Barker’s Jericho / Coded Arms / Codename: Nina – Global Terrorism Strike Force / Combat Zone: Special Forces / Commandos: Strike Force / Condemned / Condemned: Criminal Origins / Conduit, The / Conflict: Denied Ops / Contract: J.A.C.K. / Counter-Strike: Condition Zero – Deleted Scenes / Counter-Strike: NEO / Crimes of War / CrossFire / Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason / Crysis / Cube 2: Sauerbraten / Daemon Summoner / Dark Messiah: Might and Magic / Dark Salvation / Darkest of Days / Darkness, The / Darkwatch / Day of Defeat / Delta Force: Black Hawk Down / Dementium: The Ward / Deus Ex: Invisible War / Devastation: Resistance Breeds Revolution / DinoHunters, The / DOOM 3 / Double Clutch / Dreamkiller / Enemy Territory: Quake Wars / Euthanasia / Evil Resistance: Morning of the Dead / Exodus from the Earth / F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon / Fallout 3 / Fallout: New Vegas / Far Cry / Far Cry Instincts: Predator / FireStarter / Frontlines: Fuel of War / Garry’s Mod Geist / Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex / GoldenEye 007 / GoldenEye: Rogue Agent / Half-Life 2 / Half-Life 2: Survivor / Halo 2 / Halo 3: ODST / Haze / HellForces / Hellgate: London / Hidden & Dangerous 2 / Hidden Target / I.G.I.-2: Covert Strike / Ice Nine / Inhabited Island: Prisoner of Power / Instinct / Iron Grip: Warlord / Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising / Jonathan Kane: The Protector / Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death / Jurassic: The Hunted / Killing Floor / Killzone / Kwari / Left 4 Dead / Legendary / Line of Sight: Vietnam / Liquidator 2: Welcome to Hell / Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter / MadSecta / MAG / Medal of Honor / Medal of Honor: Airborne / Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault / Men of Valor / Metathrone / Metro 2033 / Metro-2 / Metroid Prime 2: Echoes / Metroid Prime 3: Corruption / Mirror’s Edge / Modern Combat: Sandstorm / Moon / Mortyr II / Moscow and the Dead / N.O.V.A.: Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance / National Blood Sport / NecroVision / Neocron 2: Beyond Dome of York / Neuro / Nina: Agent Chronicles / Nitro Family / Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi / Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath / Onslaught / OpenArena / Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising / Operation Ubersoldat / Operation Wolfsburg / Operation: Matriarchy / Painkiller / Pariah / Penguins Arena: Sedna’s World / Penumbra: Overture / Perfect Dark Zero / Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie / Phosphor Beta / Pirates, Vikings and Knights II / PlanetSide / Portal / Postal² / Precursors, The / Prey / Project: Snowblind / Psychotoxic / Punisher: No Mercy, The / Quake 4 / Quake Live / Rat Hunter / Raven Squad: Operation Hidden Dagger / Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 / Red Steel / Resistance: Fall of Man / Retribution Engine / Robert D. Anderson & The Legacy of Cthulhu / RoboCop / Rogue Warrior / S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl / SAS: Secure Tomorrow / Scorpion: Disfigured / Secret Service / Section 8 / Serious Sam 2 / Shadow Ops: Red Mercury / Shadowrun / Shattered Horizon / Shellshock 2: Blood Trails / SiN Episodes: Emergence / Singularity / Smokin’ Gun / Sniper: Art of Victory / Sniper: Ghost Warrior / Soldier of Fortune: Payback / Stalin Subway, The / Star Trek: Elite Force II / Star Wars: Battlefront / Star Wars: Republic Commando / Starship Troopers / SWAT 4 / SWAT: Global Strike Team / Team Fortress 2 / TECNO: The Base / Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines / Thief: Deadly Shadows / TimeShift / TimeSplitters: Future Perfect / Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter / Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield / Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas / Tribes: Vengeance / TRON 2.0 Turning Point: Fall of Liberty / Turok / Twin Sector / ÜberSoldier II / ÜberSoldier II: The End of Hitler / UberStrike / Ultimate Sacrifice / Unreal II: The Awakening / Unreal Tournament 2004 / Urban Chaos: Riot Response / Urban Terror / Utopia City / Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines / Velian / Vietcong / Virtual Battlespace / Vivisector: Beast Within / War in Paradise / War Rock / Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior / Water Warfare / Will Rock / Wolfenstein / Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory / World of PADMAN / Xenus / Xenus II: White Gold / XIII / You Are Empty / Zeno Clash.


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